Monday, January 25, 2010

The Worst Twins Ever!

Before I get to what has been happening at the end of January here are a few sneak peaks at Broden and Raya's valentine photos. I want to send out a Valentine card and spent this weekend trying to get them to look at the camera in their Valentine shirts. Broden would not look at me, but Raya...What a model she was!!

Kyrah greets me everyday at the door with a wonderful "Mommy's Home - surprise? got surprise?" I gave her a surprise once a few months ago and she has not forgotten it. I do not bring home surprises that often, but had stopped at Wal-Mart this day and found a cowgirl hat on the clearence isle and thought Kyrah had to have it.

She loves her cowgirl hat and that is what she calls it.

Yes, it is the end of January and she is still wearing her Sanata jammies.

A little fun time in the mini trampoline. Kyrah's Christmas present. Kyrah likes it but Raya LOVES it. She laughes and laughs when she gets to sit in there and Kyrah bounces her. You just have to watch out that Kyrah doesn't bounce too much or get too rough. Lately, Kyrah has been huging or playing a little too rough with the babies. They like it up to a point until Kyrah starts laying on them.

Playing peek-a-boo by the door and turing on and off the light. A thing she loves to do.

Raya on a rocking horse. She really likes playing on this, hopefully soon she will be able to hold on by herself.
I took this picture to show Broden in his cool guy jeans and him practicing walking with the help of his little walker. Then low and behold on Jan 21, 2010 he took two steps to me. I would place him an arms length away and try to encourage him to walk to me. 95% of the time he would just fall into my arms, but two times he took a few steps to me. So we are working on that when we can. Raya is in no mood to walk. She won't even walk when holding on to someone's fingers. She will cruise along furniture, but that is it. She will stand by herself not holding on for a few seconds.
Ignore the deer in headlights look - I think the flash was surprising to him.

The second week of January was the illness week. All three where home at some point and into the doctors at some point. Raya was the worst with high fever, all three had coughs and all three were on various medicines. I am very sorry they were sick but thankful it was all in one week rather then stretching it out over a few weeks.
We are working on getting the twins off the bottle and baby food. I am taking away their afternoon formula bottle and switching it to whole milk. I did that this weekend and Broden loved the milk but I had to put it in a bottle. They drink out of a sippy cup, just not that great.
As for Kyrah - her language is more then I could have every hoped for -rarely do I not understand what she wants and she talks in long sentences and even gets her pronouns correct - I, me, you, etc. She is not even close to being potty trained, but we have all the stuff out and available to her. She tells us she has to go potty and we undress her and go through the routine, but so far nothing has actually gone in the potty. She is pretty bossy and has a lot of attitude, I am hoping with patience she will grow out of it. She is of course the worst when I am around but good when she has babysitters. Her favorite books by far are the three Llama Llama books. Another issue we have with her is that she has been getting up at 5 am the past two months. We tried adjusting her bedtime back a bit to 7:30 and that only made it worse. So we are at a lose on how to get her to sleep later in the morning. The majority of the time she is so cute you just want to squeeze her.
So as to my title. This weekend Dennis was feeding Raya and Broden and he said you two are the worst twins ever! And by that he meant - they have been 100% opposite on everything. Even still - Broden will eat pretty much anything that is given to him and eat a lot, while Raya will eat very little and not much variety. Broden is go go go, Raya sits back and observes, Raya has a tooth Broden has none. Broden has better large motor skills like walking, while Raya is better at fine motor skills - pincher grasp with thumb and little finger and ways Bye Bye. And just when you think you have them figured out, they switch. Broden was a bad sleeper and Raya was great, now they have switched. So when Daddy calls them the worst twins ever he just means you would expect with twins for something to be similar, but not in the case of Raya and Broden Kreitler. Even Grandpa once said "they are twins but there not..."

1 comment:

Krissy said...

I love the pics and all the little details you always capture in your posts! And it was SO GREAT seeing you yesterday!!!

Hoping I get a chance to post tomorrow night since I am so far behind!