Thursday, January 14, 2010

First Snow 1-7-10

Last week on the 7th of January we had the first real snow of the season. We got 4-5 inches and schools were closed both Thursday and Friday. Kyrah was very excited about the snow and watched it from the windows. She calls it "snowing" even if it is not actually falling - meaning if the snow is just on the ground and nothing is falling from the sky she will say "snowing out there" or "snowing on ground". Then she tells me it is white and it is cold - such a smarty!

So we put her in her snow suit and her new scarf, mittens, and hat she got from Christmas from Godfather Scott and out we went. She just wasn't quite sure about it at first. She just looked around, one time she bent over and picked up a little in her mittens. She tried walking in it and made it half way to daycare when she decided she was done and wanted to be picked up.

By Saturday, it warmed up slightly - to 25 degrees. Nick, Lydia and Broc took Kyrah out sleigh riding and Daddy went out with her. This time she liked it more. She liked the part of sledding when they went down the hill but didn't like stopping or crashing. And Daddy or Broc had to carry her back up the hill each time.
On more recent news. All three have been sick this week. Each of them have a bad cough, Kyrah had a sore throat, Broden had a double ear infection and now Raya has had a fever the past two days. She is running 101 to 102 temps. I stayed home with her on Wednesday and Grandma has her today. Waiting to hear from the doctor if she needs to be seen again or if they will just prescribe something over the phone. Kyrah and Broden have been on meds since Monday and seem to be doing better.
Just a note - Daddy stayed home with Kyrah and Broden on Tuesday. When I got home with Raya every single toy we owned was on the floor and every book possible was on the floor - from door to door, pillows thrown about, chairs at different spots.... he said it was the longest day ever. Oh you gotta love men!

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