Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas Day

Christmas morning started out at 5:30 as usual. This time it was Kyrah and Raya who woke up first. Santa brought all these presents just for the kids. Kyrah's first words were "look mommy presents". I thought she would want to tear into them but she waited a bit. I told her we had to wait for Broden to wake up then we could open them. Luckily, he didn't make her wait too long and by 6 am they were tearing into them.
Raya actually liked crawling on the boxes more then opening the actual present. And of course she liked playing with the paper.

Oh look at that - A new Leap Frog activity table - lots of lights, music and things to push, pull, open and spin.

Her eshe is crawling around on the presents. Nothing was breakable so it was fine.

A view of all three. Broden was a little slow to get in the process, mainly because he was still waking up. But he got into it after a few minutes.

After presents and breakfast, the twins went to their crib to nap. Kyrah wanted to watch her new Barney movie and during the movie, Mommy and Kyrah fell asleep. Ahh a nice little power nap to help us get through the day.

Around 10:30 we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's for Christmas Dinner. Here is the family photo. We are missing Broc, he did not get to come until 1 pm, but I had to get a photo while everyone was still clean.
Propst Grandkids Christmas 2009...(minus Broc).

After a fun day at Grandma's and Broc finally got to come out and enjoy as well, we headed home around 5 that night. Santa brought more presents under the downstairs Christmas tree and this time Broc had presents as well. Kyrah got a brand new table. It has the Disney princesses on it but she calls it her Santa table. I guess because we told her Santa brought it. But it has proven to be her favorite present yet.

Broc and Daddy horsing around.
Broden practicing standing on his own.

Kyrah and Raya playing on the table. It is actually a dry erase table so Kyrah can mark on it, although she marks on herself quite a bit as well.

Raya and Broden enjoying some toy time.

Overall I think Raya and Broden had a great first Christmas. Kyrah really enjoyed her second Christmas and Broc is still enjoying Christmas even after 14 years.

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