Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Water Babies

Kyrah had her first class of Water Babies at the local Community Center. She has been in the pool before and likes to play in the water. The class was to start at 10:30, but when we got there and changed and went to the pool, the instructor said it wouldn't start until 11:00. I knew this would not go well when she said that. So for the first 30 minutes Kyrah played in the kiddie pool area with the streams of water that shoot out. She had a great time and would try to catch the water in her hand. Look at her in her cute red monkey swimsuit! Ignore the camera quailty - it was a cell phone picture...

So when class finally started at 11:00 - she was starving. I had planned it so she would eat right after class which should have been over at 11 instead of starting at 11. Now for you and me a half hour difference on eating is not a big deal - for an 8 month old - it is a VERY big deal. She was fussy the entire class. She was in class with 2-3 year old kids so even though the teacher insisted she could do the same thing as the other kids, I just think it was a little advanced for her age. The teacher was expecting her to hold on to the side of the pool, then learn how to raise herself out of the water and to use her arms and legs to get out of the pool - she isn't even crawling yet how is she supposed to raise her entire body weight out of a pool... anyway, the rest of the class was Kyrah refusing to do the things the instructor wanted her to do like try to paddle her arms or lay her head back in the water. She was not into the class at all. Maybe next week will go better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A half hour difference on eating is a big deal for me too :-)