Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Kyrah's first fishing trip. Grandpa bought her a new Barbie fishing pole, hooks, sinkers, bobbers, and worms - total cost about $80. All so Grandpa could take her to Aunt Connie's pond and fish.

Mommy and Ky trying out the new pole.

We did not have any luck, so Grandpa helped her catch her first fish.

Here it comes...

Wow - what a big fish! She was not so sure about it when it actually came out of the water. But it was a catch and release day so no fish were harmed in taking this photo... at least not too bad. She liked fishing so much that we went to the cabin the next day and Grandpa took her out on the boat on the new pond. He feeds his fish there, so needless to say, we could have dropped an empty hook and caught a fish. Kyrah thought it was great fun, to catch so many fish. The twins, just liked throwing their chips over the side of the boat and feeding the fish. They have a little to learn yet as it comes to fishing.

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