Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Church Picnic Season

So while Daddy and Broc were on their wonderful baseball stadium tour this summer late July, I had to find ways to entertain the 3 kids left behind. Dennis and Broc when to 6 ballgames in 7 days - Cinciniati, Cleaveland, Detroit, White Sox, Cubs, Milwalkee... and I think I am missing one, but while they were gone, we started the church picnic series. About mid-July the church picinics get going and we always try to go to them and support the local churches. The pictures below are from the Weingarten Picnic. Here we are on a hay ride which Kyrah really liked and Raya would not sit still for. She walked around the wagon the whole time. Broden just sat in Anna's lap.

Something that really surprised me was the little car ride. Broden whom I thought would love it would not go near it and Raya who I thought would hate it would not get off. She loved it and screamed when we had to take her off.
Ky of course loved it - she loves doing anything.

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