Monday, September 7, 2009

Fishie Fishies

I have a lot of catching up to do. It has been pretty busy at our house. Dennis coaches the Ste. Gen High School softball team. From day one of school to about October 8th, Dennis will have games or practice after school. That means Mommy is both drop off and pick up. So in the evening it can get pretty hectic. Once I get the kids into bed, I clean up the house a bit then try to motivate myself to go down on the treadmill. So the blog has sort of suffered lately.

Last weekend we all went to the cabin. It was a beautiful day - high seventies and sunny. Kyrah likes the cabin, the main focus was fishing today. She recently learned how a fish goes and she smacks her lips together - so cute. So when people caught fish or when Pat was cleaning the fish she was very interested. She even touched one. Lately Kyrah has been a little repeat. She will try to repeat everything we say. The words come out pretty funny sometimes. My favorite is catapiller - she says "pat-pill-er". She is also very good at hopping. Another thing is that she has just started getting jealous of the babies. This may be due to Daddy being gone in the evening, but twice now she has tried to push a baby off my lap. She is also having a tooth break through this week on her lower right side.

The babies are doing great. They are both sitting up pretty well. You still have to have pillows around them or be close be to help them stay up. They both like sitting up and will get whiny if they are laying on their backs too long. They are both still getting up in the middle of the night. Raya will take a binkie and go back to sleep, but Broden is more difficult. I tried on night to let him cry it out but that lasted an hour and I could take it anymore. He just won't settle down unless he gets a bottle. One night I was able to rock him back to sleep without a bottle, but that isn't getting him any closer to sleeping through the night on his own. So we are working on this.

A few pictures from the cabin. Also the first time Broden and Raya are wearing shoes.

Aunt Connie and Raya playing in the sun.
Grandpa and Kyrah.

Yeah look at all my toys and my new shoes.

Kyrah and Jessica watching everyone fishing.

And a few pictures from earlier in the week. Kyrah loves opening and shutting doors. She will even shut herself in a room or closet and just wait for a few minutes then knock on the door and yell for someone to let her out.

Raya and Broden playing in their exersaucers.

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