Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy 6 months old

A big milestone for the twins being six months old today. I remember being pregnant not knowing what to expect or what my life would be like with 6th month old twins. Well it has been quite a wonderful ride. The babies are doing great. We will go to the doctor soon for their 6th month check up and I will give stats then, but in the meantime a few thoughts on what they are up to.

Raya is a little chunk as so many people tell me. She is perfect to me no matter what her size. She is such a great baby...90% of the time. She is able to play with toys for long times without getting upset. She loves her exersaucer and LOVEs to swing outside. She will giggle when she is swinging and you smile at her. She sleeps through the night, but I still have to get up and put a binkie in her mouth once or twice. She drinks 6 ounces every 4 hours. We are trying to feed her cereal, veggies and fruit but she still sticks her tongue out. She seems interested when she sees other poeple eat, but she is just not ready for solids yet. She naps best in her swing and will take a 2+ hour nap for me in the morning around 8:30. The afternoon naps are a little more sparatic and shorter. So we are still trying to get a daytime schedule down. I am hoping that will come when we get on a eating schedule as well. She reaches for objects and passes a toy from one hand to the other. She is sitting up pretty well by herself, but will fall over after a few minutes. Raya is my thinker. She is really calm about things, doesn't get very excited over anything. Doesn't squeel or scream much. She doesn't kick her legs or move her arms rapidly, just at her own pace. But when she is upset - watchout. This is her other 10%. She starts crying if she is being held and the person yells something at someone else - she gets very upset. To calm her down you just have to hold her and shush her and give her love. I think she takes after my brother Steve. He can be like this - so Raya definitely has some Propst in her.

Broden is a very busy little boy. He is such a mover and shaker. His arms and legs are always moving. He looks around at everything. He is also such a cudler. He loves to but his face on your shoulder or put his cheek next to your cheek. He is still skinny - not super skinny, but a great size. I don't know how he stays small becuase he eats a lot. He is up to eating oatmeal and fruits and veggies. He really likes applesauce and bannanas. He eats a small amount of cereal for breakfast, a jar of baby food for lunch and cereal and a half jar of a fruit or veggie for dinner, plus he still gets his bottles. If he has eaten a lot of solids then he typically does not finish his bottle. Broden is very vocal. He squeels a lot. He still has that quite cry or whine. He is not crawling yet and doesn't even lift his body off the floor but he will reach and creep for toys so he may not be in the same spot I put him on the floor but he doesn't move that much. He refuses to take a pacifier at all. I have tried many times. So that makes it hard at night. He falls asleep easily at the beginning of the night probably because he is tired from the day, but in the middle of the night he needs someone to give him some love. He would love it if we gave him a bottle in the middle of the night, but we are not doing that anymore and will rock or hold him until he falls asleep. For naps he falls asleep on his own as long as he has a little blanket it to rub on his face he is pretty happy. Broden is also a smiler. He is always smiling at anything. I love his spikey hair some mornings it can look pretty wild. He is getting spoile and likes to be held. He has that anxiety when I leave the room and gets upset.

One fun thing going on now is that they twins are more aware of each other. When they are laying next to each other they will reach out and touch each other. Kyrah still loves them both so much. She likes to get in front of their face and jump and make noise and watch their reaction. Kyrah also tells Raya "No No We We". She can't quite say the "R" very well and a lot of times we call her Ray Ray so Kyrah ends up say "We We".

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