Monday, September 28, 2009

Random Pics

Kyrah and Grandma at the STG homecoming parade - which Daddy and his softball girls were in. Kyrah loved the bands and would say "Where go?" after they walked past. Surprisingly she was not that interested in picking up the candy that was thrown out - although after she realized what it was she was very interested in eating it!
Also - another random thought. Took Kyrah to the doctor a week ago on Saturday for an ear ache - she weighed 23 lbs and 4 ozs. Such a tiny little thing. She is in 18 month clothes, although it is hit or miss sometimes they fit, sometimes they are too big.

So when I had the twins at the doctor's office by myself two weeks ago... I had to take a picture of the aftermath...
They love that krinkly paper!

1 comment:

Christie & Roger said...

Funny thought, but if Raya keeps up at her pace of growing, Kyrah is going to be wearing her hand me downs! LOL!