Thursday, May 1, 2008

Kyrah - Month 1

Kyrah was so tiny when she was born. Only 6 lbs and 15 ozs, but she left the hospital at 6 lbs 6 ozs which is normal for a baby to drop weight at first. While we were in the hospital she had so many vistors. My family all stopped by to see her and many of Dennis' family came to see her, my friends from work came down and brought her presents and ballons.I had her on a Monday and we left the hospital on Wednesday. She looked so small in her car seat on her first trip home.

Dennis stayed home from work on Thursday to help Kyrah settle in, but went back to work on Friday. Then Grandma and Aunt Tina stopped by to help me out. You were a good baby during the first month, you would nurse a lot but unlike other babies, you were alert during the day, staying awake for long stretches. You also liked to move around and "go for walks" through the house. You would make the cutest little "O" face with your lips... you would take a breath then when you were letting it out your lips would make and "O".

During this month, was also Thanksgiving on the 22nd (my birthday - 32 years old). Everyone loved seeing you and just wanted to hold you. When we were at the Stuppy's you were a sleepy head and woke up to nurse but you were having such a hard time nursing that you cried and cried. I felt awful, but you eventually ate and were happy again.

We spent most of this month at home, just learning about you and trying to make you happy. For this month Dennis and I would take turns sleeping with you on the couch. Usually, I slept with you on the couch because it was just easier since you were nursing, but every now and then Dennis would take over once in awhile. You would like to be held but would sleep in your pack and play every once in awhile, or you would sleep in your swing. You did not like your crib at all - I think it was too big of a space for you.

We had Clary Pfiefer, a professional photographer come and take your newborn pictures. You were 6 days old. Here are some of the pictures.

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