Kyrah turned 6 months old on the 12th. The first 3 months went by slow. I think because I was home with her all the time, but these past 3 months have gone really fast. She is already in 6-9 month clothes. It seems like she was in 0-3 until she was around 4 months old or so then in 3-6's for only a few months. Most of the clothes don't fit her length, the belly and arms are fine, but the snaps are a struggle to get together sometimes.
We had some big events recently. She slept through the night for the past two nights now. She woke up each night, but put herself back to sleep each time. I have put 3-4 binkis in her crib with her, I am not sure if she finds them and puts them in her mouth or just falls back asleep with out them. Either way ...oh want a nice feeling. Although it didn't matter too much because the dog - Lupa woke me up each night and I woke up on my own, wondering why Kyrah wasn't crying. I think that is just the Mother in me and the natural instinct. My friend Lisa tells me, that I will do this for as long as they live in my house.
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