Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April 29, 2008

Kyrah had a great weekend with lots of big events. Saturday morning while playing with Dad on the floor she rolled over for the first time from back to belly. She has been rolling from belly to back every now and then, and she was so close to rolling over the other way for so long now. Both Dennis and I were there to see it. We were so proud of our little peanut. Saturday afternoon we all went to Cape for Broc's baseball tourney. Kyrah was great - she loves being outside and loves going for stroller rides. She was styling in her new brown and pink camo stroller. Broc did well in the game, however, the team still lost. It looks to be a disappointing season for the Ste. Genevieve Propst Masonry Baseball Club. The weather was getting cold and the second game would not start until around 8 pm, so Kyrah and I went home. She looked to be getting tired and would want to eat soon. This is an hour drive from Cape to Ste. Gen - Kyrah screamed the entire way home. So unlike her. She is such a great baby usually and does well in car rides. I have no idea what was wrong with her this time, but it was not a fun ride home. I stopped off at 6 exits to try and make her happy, but nothing was working. As soon as we got home, everything was fine.
Another big first for her was her first bath in an adult bathtub. She now sits on a mesh support which you put in a regular bath tub. She didn't care so much for that - I think she likes her own small bathtub better.
Sunday morning, Kyrah woke me up about 6:15 and we went on the couch to have her morning bottle. She was so playful, we did patty cake and so big games and she liked just looking at me. I put her on the floor to make me breakfast and she had a toy just out of reach and she rolled over again!! What a strong little girl. Dennis and Broc went down to Cape for another baseball game and Kyrah and I stayed back because it was pretty chilly out. Well around 9 am I put her down in her crib for a morning nap, she slept maybe 30-45 minutes. After that we went to Tina's house and had a mid- morning bottle and some portage which you got everywhere - what a messy eater. You have a bottle about every 3-4 hours. Then all of us went up to Festus shopping at Wal-Mart. In the evening, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's for Sunday night dinner, when we put you in a walker for the first time. You didn't move around by your self, but seemed to like it okay. The biggest accomplishment of the weekend was that she slept from8 pm Sunday night to 5 am Monday morning!! This was Kyrah's first official night sleeping all night long. She didn't even wake up once for the binki. Dennis fed you a bottle at 5 then you went back to sleep.
Monday you had a great day at daycare and played with Dad in the evening. I went to the Cardinals baseball game. Dennis put you to sleep at 7:30 and you only woke up 3 times that night. Each time, I just had to put the binki in you mouth and you went right back to sleep and didn't wake up until 7 am. Such a sleeply head.

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