Friday, April 25, 2008

Memories from the night of labor

Following are some of the email updates I sent to my friends while I was in labor.

2 AM

Well it is 2 am and nothing more has been happening. The contractions are not any stronger or closer. Right now they are about 3 to 4 mins apart. Which is odd because I thought when they are that close they would have been stronger. Anyway the doc said she would let me go tonight and just see how things progress rather then give me any drugs to increase the contractions. The nurse said the best thing to do is sleep which would be much easier if I wasn't laying on what must be the hardest bed in the world and it is about 80 degrees in here and the nurse comes in every hour. Other then that I would be sleeping like a baby!

6 AM

Nothing much is happening. At 3 the nurse started a pitocen drip to kick the contractions back up. But this means I can't walk around anymore. I actually fell asleep from 3:30 to 6 of course waking up every half hour when the blood persure machine went off on my arm. But fell back asleep each time.
The doctor has office hours at 8 so I expect to see her before that. I will let you know what she says.
Oh and the nurse said if she had to guess I probably won't have it until late tonight!!! That is crazy talk! If labor starts when my water broke yesterday at 8 AM I am almost at 24 hours. But the contractions are only now uncomfortable so not sure if I should count yesterday.

10 AM

Not much progress. They have slowly increased the pitocin and I am feeling the contractions but I am getting a lot of back pain with each one so they think the baby is facing the wrong way. We are going to try sitting on a yoga ball that is supposed to help.
I can definitly are an epidural in my future but then I am stick in bed and that bed is horrible! So I am trying to avoid it as much as possible!

2:30 PM

The doc broke my water again and increased the drugs all at once and wow did that kick thinngs in gear! That was at 11:30. Then they got so bad that I asked for drugs! Woo hoo to epi's! They are great. I am gonna take a nap now they are so good. They think thinks may happen in the next 4 - 5 hours.

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