Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Much Needed Update

So much to update. First, we have successfully moved to our new house. We have been in the Stonybrook house for a little over two weeks now. Kyrah still calls it the new house, but she has not asked about about the old house or she has not asked to go home, so that is good. The house is great. The kids love to play in the front yard and of course the walk straight out to the street, but at the end of a cul-de-sac with only one other house traffic is very low. We also have great neighbors, one of which has a 4th grader and 6th grader and a 2 year old grandaughter that lives there, so the girls are always out and playing. Kyrah likes to watch them and she is slowing getting to where she will play with them. Broden has adjusted well to having his own room and Kyrah and Raya share a room. One morning we heard Kyrah say "Raya - you awake? Raya, Raya wake up" so that is sort of an issue we are hoping will stop. The extra room is great and the kids run all over the house. Broc even likes the house and his room. He selected the room off the kitchen which is great except when it is 5:30 am and the kids are awake in the kitchen yelling for breakfast and Broc can hear them, we told him to get ear plugs.


Hello officer, no I was not speeding....yep Missouri has given Broc permission to drive on its roads. Broc got his permit about a week ago. He is also on the varsity baseball team, which is great for a freshman. He is doing well at baseball, getting some good hits, some ground rule doubles, so we are hoping a home run is in the near future.


Ky is 2 and a half now. She is extremely active and very smart. She speaks exceptionally well, knows her colors, shapes, numbers to 30 and ABCs. She even sings songs (favorite is Twinkle Twinkle). She is not a big eater - actually she eats small amounts all day - basically grazing - which is bad, we are trying to push her off to an actual meal time. Her bed time is now closer to 8 pm and she gets up about 6 am with one 1.5 -2 hour nap in the afternoon. She is playing much better with the twins, but gets very mad when one of the twins takes a toy from her. She is still very much an only child in her mind and right now she yells the loudest, so she usually gets what she wants first. We need to work on this. She is also very defiant right now. We tell her no, or don't do something and she will look straight at us and do whatever it is anyway then look at us and smile....needless to say she has gotten quite a few time outs. She has been pretty healthy lately, went to the doc for a cold within the last month and was about 24 lbs 32 or 33 inches - basically very small for her age - in the 20% for height and weight. She is still in 18 month clothes mainly with some 24 month shirts. She no longer yells "mommy do it", which was nice to feel needed, but not ALL THE TIME!


Little Buddy is 14 months old, 22lbs and 29inches. Everyone still calls him Buddy - I blame Dennis for this. He started it when Broden was born becuase he was so small. I am trying to get people to call him Broden or Brody. The Brody is not taking off very well. Anyway, he is a climbing monster. He climbs on everything. He is very good at walking and even does a fast walk/attempt at running. He has 3 teeth with a 4th top tooth just now trying to come through. He can drink out of a straw (which I just discovered last night). Eats very well and eats just about anything - LOVES almost all fruit except for cantalope and watermelon. He sleeps all night from 7 to 6 and takes 1 to 2 naps a day. He is actually a pretty good sleeper -he has come a long way from where he used to be. He goes to sleep on his own with just a little crying - only 30 seconds or so. No words yet, and for whatever reason he loves to carry a broom around. He will go straight for a broom anytime he sees one. So he has 2 or 3 small ones around the house for him, but at anyone's house or in the garage he carries around the big ones. Broden is still pretty needy - wants to be held all the time and carried around. Not very good at playing by himself, but he makes the cutest faces.


Oh my angel Raya is 23 lbs and 29 inches. She is such a content child 99% of the time. She plays by herself, does not cry a lot, is able to keep herself occupied without someone sitting right next to her. But when she gets upset - wow watch out. It happened to me last night, I picked her up and then had to put her down to do something and that made her so mad she went into a crying fit that would split eardrums. It was the kind that you hiccup after and can't catch your breath - oh she was mad. These little fits don't happen often but they are whoppers when they do. Raya sleeps well too. She is down to one afternoon nap a day, and sleeps from 7 to 6 at night with the help of a pacifier. She also has a stuffed lamb she likes to hold at night. She is a good eater, but is more picky then Broden. They both throw food on the floor and like to smash things between their fingers to get the feel of it. She has 2 bottom teeth and maybe one on top starting. She says mama, dadda, hi, bye bye, thank you, peekaboo and apple. She says apple when she sees a book or is looking at a book. I think I have pointed out apple so much as the first picture in the ABC books that she has associated apple with all books, but that is a start. She is very good at mimicing sounds and will repeat the sounds I make. She knows where her belly and nose are. She still walks with that baby frankenstein walk, and is a bit more clumsy then Broden, but she is getting better each day.

Following are pictures from March 8th, -the twins actual birthday. They each had a cupcake and were wearing their party hats that daycare made for them and of course Ky gets a cupcake as well.

Next are Easter pictures. Some are at our neighbor's house and some are at Grandma's house. Ky loved hunting eggs, Broden was not too intersted in it, and was content to walk around with the first egg he found, Raya wanted to clean out her basket all the time.

Missing Jess, Anna, Dale and Broc out of the Propst Grandkids Easter picture.

This past weekend we went to the park near our new house. It had just rained the night before so it was wet, wet, wet -but we only live a half a mile away and needed something to keep them entertained. They love playing in water - all three and like climbing around on the different play sets.

Oh Oh - this doesn't look like it will end well.

So needless to say the clothes were soaked and filthy - and this is how they roade home.

Now that tax season is over - I will try to keep the blog updated better.

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