Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Twins 1st Birthday Party

Broden's new trick.... climbing.... on EVERYTHING!

On Sunday the 28th we had Broden and Raya's 1st Birthday party at the new house. It worked out great that the house was basically empty so people could roam about and we had lots of room.
The theme was two peas in a pod.

A little play time.

Yeah Cake. We sang Happy Birthday twice of course. They each had their own cake. Broden's was yellow and Raya had chocolate. So $60 in cakes ....all for a yummy handful to rub in my face!

And Kyrah even thought she need to take her shirt off since the twins got to. She was a bit under the weather so she did not eat any cake, but had a great time playing with everyone. Her cousin Sophia was a pink princess.

The party was a huge success, I think everyone had a good time. Many thanks to everyone that helped and all the presents.

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