Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekend Fun

Kyrah had exciting weekends the past two weekends. Most recently, she attended her very first MLB Cardinals game. She was even treated to enjoying the game from the PWC sweet. Actually, the entire Kreitler family attended the game - Dennis, Mary Kay, Broc, Kyrah, Broden and Raya - and we only needed 3 tickets! The twins spent their time being passed around to people. Kyrah spent her time running in and out of the sweet from inside to outside. She was very interested in Fred Bird. She saw him on the field then when you couldn't see him anymore she would raise her hands and say "Where go?" So needless to say, I don't think I watched any part of the game, but thats okay. And I am glad to say the Cards came out on top with a 2-1 win over the Diamondbacks. Broc got the joy of carring Kyrah out to the car after the game.

Raya ready to go in her Cards outfit.

Broden is super excited to go to his first Cards game.

Daddy and Broden ready to cheer on the Cards.

The weekend prior to that was our local county fair. We started the event with a parade Friday evening. Kyrah even had her BFF Lily DeJean come to visit and enjoy the festivities. Here is Lily watching the parade.

Kyrah petting a kitty at the "Barnyard Pals" area of the fair. She liked this part, but I think she liked the big pigs and cows better. The boy holding the cat is actually Kyrah's second cousin Ben.

Christie and Lily enjoying all the Barnyard animals.

1 comment:

Krissy said...

The kids all look so cute in their Card's gear! We are coming to StL next Friday for Drew's team visit and I'm debating on whether or not to get tix for the game that night. Not sure how much of it he would actually watch, but at least I could say he was at a game!