So to make my Monday at work completely unproductive work wise - I will post my third blog for the day... There is just so much I want to have written down so 10 years (or 5 months) from now I won't forget. Kyrah is doing some of the cutest things ever. She now says Bless You whenever someone sneezes. She says "Tank You" and "Pease" - such a polite little thing. Most of her answers are "Yeah" or a screamed "NO". When asked what color something is - her answer is always "Yeah-Yo". Sometimes we let her take her sippy cup of milk to bed - not too often because I don't want to start that habit, but if she hasn't eaten or drank much that night I will send her to bed with it hoping she will drink it and avoid waking up from hunger. So when she is done with her cup she stands up in her crib and puts the cup on the rail. I think she saw me set it there while I was putting her to bed then hand it to her, so in her mind she thinks that is where it goes. Last night both me and Dennis had a baby in our lap so she went to her toy box and pulled out a baby doll to put in her lap. Of course she had her binkies and had to try to give the baby doll a binkie, then she laid it in the swing and put her head down on it. Oh and the cutest thing is that she was giving it kisses. Her kisses have evolved as well. She now makes a smooch noise when she kisses and it is typically closed mouth too. Much closer to an actual kiss. Everytime she wakes up from a nap or the night and we go in to get her (of course she always calls out for Ma Ma - never for Da Da to come get her) she has to clean everything out of her crib. So she hands you all her binkies, stuffed animals, blankies and her pillow. You then have to carry all this and her out to the living room.
She also has this little monkey stuffed animal that has a hat which stays on its head by a magnet, so she can pull it off and on very easily. She likes to walk around putting the monkey's hat on and off. This morning she had it and was making it jump on the floor, but she was jumping with it. She doesn't get much air time yet but she understands the concept of jumping.
Our first experience with potty training involved Kyrah running aroung the house naked and going back and forth to her potty chair. The only reason I brought out the potty chair is because she now tells us when she goes poop. I know - another post about poop! So I got the chair out just to see what she would do. She sits on it for 30 seconds then up and runs off. Well we must have let her run around naked to long because later that night I smelt poop in the twins room. Thinking it was a soiled outfit, I took all the laundry downstairs, but still smelled it. So I changed the sheets and removed anything that could have touched their buts, still the smell remained. Upon further investagtion, I found a turd in the twins closet!! Kyrah had gone in there and pooped!!! Ugh. I had to steam clean the carpet It wasn't messy but I wanted to make sure it was as clean as could be. So needless to say we have to really watch her if we atempt to potty train again.
She has found the goodness that is popcicles. And enjoys soda when she sees up drinking it she has to have some, as you can see in the picture.
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