They are 4.5 months old. Both Raya and Broden smile and laugh and like to be kissed on the neck or tickled. Broden will roll from side to side but not all the way over yet. Raya will lift her feet up and down but no rolling of any kind yet. Broden had started solids in the evening last week, but we stopped recently due to his pooping issues. Raya was sleeping through the night, now she is getting up once as is Broden, but he has always done that. Hopefully once she is feeling better she will go back to sleeping through the night. Another odd thing is that she no longer takes the pacifier. They both seem to eat somewhere between 3 - 4 hours and taking 5-6 ounces. We have the evening routine down pat, we just need to start on a day routine. I am trying to get them in the habit of sleeping in their crib not the swing. Broden can fall asleep on his own in the crib but only sleeps for about 45 mins to an hour, Raya has to be rocked to sleep then will sleep in her crib for an hour or so. They both like to hold onto toys and will grab at toys above their head. All in all they are doing great - maybe a little behind in their motor skills but that is not a big deal. I am sure they will catch up with no problem.
I like this picture with the little monkey looking at Raya.
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