Friday, May 8, 2009

How we roll...

How do we get from here to there ....this is how...

Kyrah is on the back of the bike with Dennis, I have the twins in the double stroller and Broc has his own bike. We are quite a site on our nightly walks.

Kyrah is just starting to get into dress up play. Here she is with her butterfly wings on. She still likes putting gloves or socks on her hands mostly.

Yesterday, May 7 was Kyrah's field trip at daycare. We all went to a local park. She had a great time climbing on the jungle gyms, swinging and going down slides. She even did the big slides all by herself. By noon she was very cranky. She didn't get her morning nap and she had woken up at 4:30 that morning (back to sleep by 5:15, but still). Overall she had a great time and I am sure we will be spending many days ahead at the park.

Her new favorite word is Bye Bye. She says it all the time even when someone just leaves the room. She also says "no" now. Before she just shook her head, now you get the word no as well. I still haven't gotten her hair cut so I have to put it up everyday to keep it out of her eyes. ,I will probably get it cut soon, but will not do bangs, just a trim. She is still really good with the twins but you have to watch her sometimes she gets a little agressive with them. She has also started licking them which is her way of giving them kisses!

1 comment:

Christie & Roger said...

You guys are a trip! Good for you for getting out and about!