Friday, October 8, 2010

The STG Picnic

This is a random picture of Broden being silly on the ride home from Grandma's

In September the Ste. Gen Church picnic took place. This is a fun one with great food and games. For some reason Raya was not into the bounce house like Broden and Kyrah were, she just hung out with Daddy while the others bounced.

Anna helping Broden in the bounce house with Ky jumping behind her.

Kyrah got a pony ride which she loved.

A few Kyrah commments....
On the way home from Grandma's house last night (Oct. 7), there was a skunk smell and I said "ewww stinky skunk." Kyrah said "That skunk must be pooping in him pants."
When I ask her if she is a big girls she says
K: "When I am a big girl and go poop on the potty I go to school with Daddy and meet teachers."
MK: "So why won't you go poop on the potty?"
K: "Oh Mom, it is just too hard."
Broden's most common phrase recently is "No No Ray Ray" and he shakes his little finger at her. He loves playing with balls and is actaully pretty good at catching and throwing them.
Raya says lots of things but usually it is just an answer to whatever question I ask her - she says no or yes just like anyone would. Her favorite game right now is to play baby dolls. She carries them around alot and likes to take them for stroller rides or give them bottles. It is very cute.
Broden started at Kids N Motion this week. The workers say it is like he has always been there. Which is great and it is awsome to only have one stop in the morning and evening.

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