Monday, June 14, 2010

Too Hot for Outdoors

What to do when it is 95 degrees outside....take the kids to the mall and let them play in the Kid Zone. Saturday Broc had a double header, so me and the kids just hung out all day. Sunday no baseball, but we did not feel like sitting inside again all day. We packed up and headed to the mall to find a storage shed and let the kids play in the designated area. They all liked climbing around on the differnt things.

A very rare picture of all three close by each other and everyone looking at me.
Kyrah liked climbing the "mountain" the best.
Raya is too cute in this picture!

Typical Broden - something didn't make him happy so the crying started up.
Raya was content to play in the little row boat the entire time, but she did get out and walk around a bit.

After the mall we headed to Lydia and Nick's house for dinner and swimming. This was the first time Broden actually seemed to like the water. He didn't cry when we got in the pool and he even played with the sprinkler. Raya of course sat in a bucket of water the entire time. Ky mixed it up with the pool and sprinkler.

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