Princess Kyrah
Queen Raya
I had been putting Raya's hair in the single pony on top of her head which made her look like she had a Pebbles looks, but it is long enough now to do the double pony - so cute. She is learning new words - she can say no - but it is more like a quick sharp "na" sound, hello, bye bye, momma, dadda, baby - all her usual words. She is still content to play by herself most of the time and when it is time for "school work" she sits at her chair and colors for a long while without bothering anyone else or needing anythign. Right now she has the makings of a great student - my future doctor! She only has 4 teeth - two bottom in the front middle and two top molars in the back. She loves hiding in the play tent and loves it when someone plays peek-a-boo with her.
Kyrah is reaching a big milestone in her life. She has started potty training. Last week she went on the toliet a few times and now she seems to be going pee almost all the time on the toliet, although she will not poo on it yet and she still has wet diapers in the morning and sometimes through out the day. But we are heading in the right direction. She LOVEs her Elmo underwear and has to put them on herself. She has started swimming lessons at daycare and goes 3 times a week for 20 minutes. She would live in the water if she could (so would Raya). This weekend for Father's Day we went to the Cabin and she called it the Cabinet the entire time.
Broden is a little ham. Still cries to be held all the time. I think he is going to be left handed. He seems to eat and throw a ball left handed. His first official word is Hello which comes out "hell-wow" and he says it into the phone. He can say momma and dadda but doesn't call us that. He loves to run and be chased and wrestle with Daddy on the floor. He is going through some bad hair days right now. I am letting his hair grow back out long - I just didn't like the buzz cut on him, so it is pretty crazy hair right now. Just recently he has started biting people. He bit Ky yesterday - hard enough to leave teeth bruises but not break the skin. He has 4 teeth - 2 top 2 bottom in the middle and is working on 2 more on the bottom on either side. He sleeps on a cot now at daycare and seems to be doing well with it. He takes about a 2 hour nap during the day and sleeps from 7 pm to 5:45 am.
and Prince Charming on his steed...
She is still very tiny for her age, she doesn't eat much. She likes to hop and jump. Ky is just starting to get the concept of pedeling on her tricycle. She is very into bandaides and has to put them on every ouchie she gets and a lot of ouchies that aren't even there. Her memory is very good right now and if I bribe her by saying do this and we will go to the park tomorrow - she will wake up the next day and the first thing she says is "I go to park today." That has gotten me in trouble quite a bit.
She is hot or cold to her brother and sister (and she calls them that - my brother Broden and my sister Raya). One minute she will be sweet to them, the next she is pushing them down and taking things from them. She is more mean to them then sweet.
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