Monday, February 28, 2011

February Pics

A little silly time this weekend. Kyrah got this new set of PJ's and she has worn this shirt all weekend. All day Saturday she told me it was her new swimsuit, even though I told her it looked more like jammies. Finally about mid day Sunday she comes out from her room holding it and lays it out on the floor and I said are you going to put that on. She said - no it is just jammies. She looked so dissapointed.

The kids had a lot of naked time this weekend. Kyrah is the cause of this. Now that she is into putting her own clothes on she likes to go in her room and change her clothes to her swimsuits. So to the twins that is practically naked which they love!

Broden in his diaper with his pigskin. A ball in the shape of a football made to look like a pig and when it bounces it oinks. He was shooting baskets with it.
We also made cookies this weekend - an huge hit for all the kids. The favorite thing is licking the bowl.
Raya really enjoyed her beater and spoon of cookie dough.

Last weekend I took Kyrah to my cousin's baby shower. This was the cake for Baby Christopher - super cute!

Kyrah got a new outfit for the party. There were a bunch of other girls there that were around her age. She was pretty shy yet. She really wouldn't talk with them. Then when she did get off my lap to play, she played by herself with some paper on the floor. It wasn't until the other girls started playing with her that she interacted with them. She seems to be on the shy side around new people. A good thing I guess.

Look Mom at my pretty dress!

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