Monday, February 9, 2009

33 weeks Belly pic

I am 33 1/2 weeks pregnant at this point. I have gained 16 lbs - 7 of which have been in the last 3-4 weeks. Things are going well. I haven't had any major issues besides my galbladder issues earlier on. Although knock on wood I haven't had anymore attacks. Things are getting very uncomfortable - my belly feels so huge and bending over or even leaning over is a challenge, but I am not on bedrest thankfully so I am not going to complain. I have a lot of trouble sleeping at night - hard to roll from side to side, or my hips will hurt or I have to get up to pee - take your pick. I also have a lot of back pain if I stay in a position for too long, but again - all minor and can be tolorated. My tummy is very full and tight. I can feel their heads or butts (not sure which) way up high. They no longer kick but do more of a roll stretch type of movement. They just don't have any room to get a good kick in and at this point can only squirm around. So sometimes I can just see my entire belly have wave like movements - very freaky!

On Feb. 1st I was given a very nice baby shower from my group of PwC friends. We had lunch at The Blue Owl and I received the best presents - diapers, outfits, piggy banks, baby books etc. I was very appreciatvie and overwhelmed. Thank you everyone!!

So here is the belly pic...


Krissy said...

You look great!! I'm so glad things are going so well for you!!!

Michelle said...

I can't believe you've only gained 16lbs! Lookin good!

Christie & Roger said...

I agree with Michelle on the weight gain! Unbelievable considering about 10 of that is just in babies!