Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Bo-Bo

I am so sad - it was Kyrah's first big bo-bo. She likes to play in the tub and now that she is a little more mobile (she gets from A to B but not in a traditional crawl) she has been moving around a lot in the tub. Well I had on hand on her and was reaching for the soap when she moved forward and started falling. I was able to stop her from hitting her head on the side of the tub but her cheek hit her plastic bin for toys. Oh she screamed and it started brusing right away. I felt terrible. She stopped crying after about a minute, but it felt like forever. Here is a picture of her little bo-bo.

I know it is a little hard to see but it is the red spot on her right cheak. It stayed bruised for about a week. I told her she was not allowed to have anymore bo-bos. They are too traumatic for me.

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