Monday, June 9, 2008

June 1, 2008

Kyrah is getting such a personality. She is a great baby. She does not fuss much and can play by herself on the floor -sitting up for 30-45 minutes at a time. She will laugh a lot and eats, sleeps well. Most of this blog has been about the wonderful things she does and how great she is - don't get me wrong she had been a great baby, but there are times when it is a challenge. She still wakes up in the night - we don't have to go to her now that she knows how to put her pacifier in, but she will make a lot of noise which wakes us up. She doesn't like lotion time either - right after her bath we put her on the changing table to put lotion and her pjs on - well I am not sure if she is cold, hungry or just doesn't want to lay down, but she will fuss when we put lotion on. She will often fuss when she is in her high chair waiting for us to make her dinner - but who blames her on that - I don't like waiting for food either. Other then that it is just a random fuss to change postions or get a different toy. When she was really little around the 2nd month she was on this kick that only I could hold her and make her happy - that was a challenge espically after being with her all day long and I wanted a break but Dennis holding her just didn't cut it.

Overall she has been an excellent baby and if I could guarantee all my babies would be like her I would have a bunch.

Here is Kyrah on June 1st showing off her snazzy July 4th dress - which will probably not fit her by the time July 4th rolls around...

1 comment:

Krissy said...

Awww-I just love little girl clothes. She looks so cute!!!