Kyrah is starting to pick up on more words. She recently started saying Bye Bye. She doesn't say it a lot, but she will wave Bye Bye all the time. Of course her wave is still backwards, she cups her hand together towards her face to it looks like she is waving bye bye to herself. She is good at telling you the sound a cow and snake make and sort of does a horse and dog. Kyrah has gotten into the habit of eating ceral for snacks and she will walk to the kitchen cabinet that has the ceral on it and cry until we pick her up and she points to what kind of ceral she wants - lately her choice has been Capitan Crunch. The problem is that we will put it in a bowl and she dumps it on the floor. She actaully got her first spanking this weekend for doing it after Daddy told her "no". She didn't cry but thought it was a game and laughed at him. So now she only gets her ceral in the cup with a lid on it that she puts her hand in.
Kyrah is still on the same schedule - wake up around 6 to 6:30, eats breakfast, plays, takes a nap around 9 for about 45 minutes to an hour. Once she wakes up she plays a bit, then eats lunch around 11:15 or so, goes back down for her afternoon nap around 12:30 - 1, will sleep for anywhere from an hour to two hours, snack when she wakes, plays, eats dinner around 5, bathtime at 6:15, then off to bed at 7pm. Everyone finds it so odd that she goes to bed so early- I guess she just requires a lot of sleep. I know we should be getting rid of her morning nap, but she is just so cranky if she doesn't get it and by 9 am she is just wiped out.
She is pretty good at using a fork or spoon when she eats and she likes to "dance" to music. Her dancing is more of a swaying or bouncing up and down - very cute!
The twins had a big weekend. On Saturday I had a photographer come to our house and take their newborn photos. We did a family photo but I am not sure how it will turn out - Kyrah would not smile and I think Raya was crying during it. The whole session took 5 hours! The photographer was very detailed and waited until each baby would be in the perfect position - I know the photos will be great but wow that was a long time.
Sunday we had our first outing as a family. We went to my parish chicken dinner. This required busting out the double stroller - wow I felt like I was pushing a train. Both car seats attach to the stroller. Leaving the house was not too bad, we were able to do it in about 15 minutes - two diaper bags, two car seats, one stroller and 3 kids all got loaded into the van. Right now Kyrah is in the middle row with a baby and the other baby gets put in the very back. I don't really like this, but someone has to go to the back. So we arrived at the Church at 11:30 ... an hour and a half later we were finally able to leave. Everyone came up to us to look at the twins. Of course 99% of the people knew who I was (this is my parents parish and a small town so everyone knows everyone) I knew about 30% of the people but had to answer the same question over and over - boy and a girl, 2 lbs difference, yes he is very small... etc! Raya did great and slept the entire time. Broden had to have a bottle but he was good as well. I know going out with them will get easier as I get more acustomed to it, but I don't see me doing it alone very often!