Friday, October 8, 2010

Ray Ray the Clumsy

About a month ago Dennis and I had taken Raya and Broden to the mall to return a few things and were letting them play in the kid's play area. Raya was jumping off a block that was about 7 inches tall when she landed odd. After that she was not able to walk and would take a step of two and fall. It seemed her left leg would give out. So off to the ER we went. I stayed with her in the ER and Dennis took Broden to my sister's house where Ky was playing.

A few x-rays later and about 3 hours, she was slowly walking better and luckily did not have anything broken. But scary all the same. She has never been very corridinated then to have this set her back as well does not help. Even today she falls/trips quite a bit. Think she got her grace from her Mom.

All smiles right now - that was certainly not the case during the x-rays. In the 20 months she has been here she has had her share of hospital trips. She hates doctors and medicine. It is a huge ordeal when we have to go even for a simple well child visit. I think she was traumatized when was in the nicu as a newborn and still remembers it.

Ohh ohh trying to escape.

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