Ahhh Miss Raya camped out after her evening bottle. She is crawling now - that started on Thanksgiving. It is not a perfect crawl but she moves forward now rather then her backward or pivit move she was doing. And she has started saying "ma ma". I don't think she is calling me but rather has just learned that sound (probably from Kyrah saying it so much), but it is nice to hear. She is still an angel baby - sleeps all night, eats well, doesn't fuss much, plays by herself, doesn't get into too much, although she puts the worst things in her mouth. You really have to watch the floor and make sure nothing small is on it because Raya seems to find it everytime. She doesn't sleep that much during the day - typically two 1 to 1.5 hour naps which I wish was a bit longer, but it seems to work for her.
Little Mr. Broden. Not so little anymore. He has been sick this past week and when I took him to the doctor he weighed 19 lbs 3 ozs and at the 6 month check up both he and Raya were 26 1/4 inches long. So he is still slim, but not like he was when he was born. He is such a man on the move now. He crawls very well, pulls himself up, cruises along furniture and is even able to lower himself to the floor without just flopping or falling down. He has regressed even further in the sleeping department - he now is getting up 2 times a night usually around 12 and 3. I am seeing a sleep specialist on Monday so hoping she will have some good advice. He still smiles and laughs at just about anything. This darn sickness this week has been a hassle, luckily it has been mild started with throwing up for about 4 hours then fine, dihera all week, tired cranky not eating much things like that. Then Tuesday he spiked 102 fever so I took him to the doc since this has been lingering. Everything checked out fine so doc thinks it is teeth coming in and maybe he caught something small virus on top of it. Both he and Raya have had bad runny noses and a cough. I am anxious for that to be over because they hate me wiping their nose. Speaking of which another cute thing - Kyrah comes and tells me when she has a booger in her nose - then the other day she picked it and brought it to me - oh the presents Mother's get!
The dinky is dead, the dinky is dead, the wicked dinky is dead!
And Broden - all I can say about this picture is I am sorry but I had to do it. With is sickness this week, he went through all his extra clothes at daycare so they used something I had for Raya and it happened to be a pink shirt and black spandex pants. It was too funny.
My cute little Kyrah.
The dinky is dead, the dinky is dead, the wicked dinky is dead!
And Broden - all I can say about this picture is I am sorry but I had to do it. With is sickness this week, he went through all his extra clothes at daycare so they used something I had for Raya and it happened to be a pink shirt and black spandex pants. It was too funny.
My cute little Kyrah.
And Angel Raya
What else - Kyrah has learned so much. She knows what a surprise is and I bribed her to take a nap by saying I would give her a surprise when she woke up and dang if she didn't remember that. Her eating is getting a bit boring - we don't seem to give her anything new and she always wants corn. Overall she eats well if I can get her to stop eating chips, but not much variety. Her favorite veggies are corn and peas and she loves bak bak. She knows what soda is and will ask for it if she happens to see it, but she is still drinking whole milk for the most part. Her pretend play is getting better and she plays with her baby dolls well. She is on a Barny kick right now and wants to watch it all the time. She will sit and watch it for about 5 minutes at a time then will get distracted for a few minutes then get back into it.
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