Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Feeding time at the Kreitlers

Here is a nice picture of Kyrah scooping up the ketchup with her fingers and eating it plain. Who needs those tator tots to hold my ketchup when I can use the spoon or better yet I will just scoop it up with my fingers.

Double duty feeding. Typically the way it works out is that Kyrah gets her plate around 5:45 and eats in her highchair. I get the babies cereal and bottles ready. One gets a bath. At that point Kyrah is ready to get down. The bathed one plays on the floor, Kyrah walks around playing (or whining) and the other baby gets a bath. Both babies move to a high chair then and gets fed cereal and a veggie or fruit, Kryah still walks around or plays. When the cereal and veggie is gone, the babies move to the floor and kick back and I feed both a bottle. On good nights Broden will hold his own bottle and I can hold Raya and feed her. The babies are off to bed at 6:30 - they get put in bed awake and may play in there for a bit before they fall asleep. At that point I give Kyrah a bath and we then sit on the couch and read a book and drink milk.
Hmmm- look at that - an extra pair of feet in the picture, yet I am still feeding both babies...something isn't adding up.


Michelle said...

You really have it down! Do you bathe all of your kids every night? I can't imagine.

Krissy said...

I love reading about how you manage all three of them! And that's great that you can put them down awake -- that was something we had to 'teach' Drew and it wasn't fun...

Christie & Roger said...

Mr. Black Sock man is looking far too comfortable in that last picture!

I'd love for you to join us on a Mommy and me outing. Hopefully there will be some good events with the holidays coming up.